
After countless questions whether Danny’s technology and innovation consultancy bureau organizes hackathons in assignment, Danny believed it was time to make the concept hackathon as a service a reality.

HackathonFactory develops custom hackathons. We are specialised in the organization of a hackathon for every organization; company, non-profit or government. Contrary to what the name suggests, in most cases a hackathon does not feature real ‘hacking’ and is suited for every type of organization. Together with you, we’ll discuss the relevant angles that fit the ambitions of your organization and/or department.

A hackathon is an innovation sprint in which the participants take a closer look at complex issues and aim to connect them to cutting-edge technologies and creative solutions. We do this together with the organization and external creatives from the startup, tech and creative sector – like growth hackers, designers, marketeers and programmers. Due to the mix of expertise and a creative setting, the results of a hackathon always manage to surprise.

Read more on the website of HackathonFactory, or contact us directly at [email protected] or +31 20 2050550.

Hackathon Organiseren