Danny Mekić was proclaimed ‘most successful young entrepreneur in the Netherlands’ by Sprout, a magazine published by Management Team. The magazine Elsevier listed him as one of the 50 greatest talents in the Netherlands, and Quote included him in their list of ‘hotshots’ under 40 years of age. Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad called him the most wanted expert from the business world on Dutch television. This is how Danny has come to be known in the Netherlands: a technology expert and a successful young entrepreneur.
What most people don’t know is that he’s also been asked to develop an online strategy for the police, which he did successfully. He was also asked by Raj Patel, former CEO of Exact NV, to help further/redeveloping Exact Online: an online accounting solution that’s now used by nearly 300,000 companies around the world. Danny isn’t just an entrepreneur, but also an innovator for prominent clients (he prefers to avoid the word ‘consultant’, with its connotations of churning out paper reports but not delivering tangible results).
In recent years, he has not only expanded his own startups and companies, but also worked on the renowned online strategy of the Dutch airline KLM, developed a new outlook on the future for PON — the company that imports Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and other car brands into the Netherlands — leading to a new strategy, and helped Dutch bank ING to permanently ward off DDoS attacks on their online banking services. He’s also been appointed by the Ministers of Economic Affairs and of Education, Culture and Science to be the youngest member ever of an official governmental advisory board.
Danny, who was proclaimed ‘guest lecturer of the year’ by Fontys students and is the highest rated teacher within the Innovation programme at Nyenrode Business University, has made his way to the absolute top. Together with a team trained by him, he now works independently on successful innovations for 40 of the 100 biggest organisations in the Netherlands, as well as for more and more clients abroad. To achieve this we rely on a method developed by Danny, which is best described as a combination of concept development, consultancy, inspiring people and spending (at most) two days a month actively working at the client’s organisation — supported by stimulating lectures and workshops from the best lecturers and trainers, and when possible from Danny himself.
He still works as an entrepreneur and appears on TV and the radio on a weekly basis, but Danny and his team are always up for an interesting challenge. Contact us for more information, or if there’s anything we could help you with. We will try to get in touch with you within 48 hours. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Danny Mekić has already innovated with…
- BDO, the fourth most prominent accountancy firm in the Netherlands, to build up the greatest Twitter impact
- KLM, to become the number 1 airline in the world in the areas of innovation and social media
- the Haaglanden Police Department, to attain a leading role in technology and innovation, with proper regard for privacy
- Exact, with the development of Exact Online, now used by over 300,000 people
- Randstad, with the introduction of webcare, a new website and an international marketing and innovation strategy
- the Dutch Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD), to become internationally leading with regard to digital tracking and investigation techniques, with proper regard for privacy
- hospitals Radboud UMC, UMC Utrecht, MC Alkmaar and the MC Group, with the development of an innovation strategy and a vision of ‘the patients of the future’
- Robeco Groep NV, with the development of Robeco One and their digital services
- Mediq, to develop a vision for the future of pharmacies, as well as an innovation strategy and digital services
- Pon Holdings, with the development of a new long term strategy for the automotive brands they distribute in the Netherlands, including Audi, Volkswagen, Bentley, etc.
- the Dutch judiciary, to automate and digitalise the process of law and make it more innovative
- the European Broadcasting Union and the Eurovision Song Contest, with the development of their website and the event’s online livestream, and by setting up reliable, fast internet connections in Estonia, Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece and Finland
- the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, to make their trade register digitally available 24/7, and to develop a digital strategy
- insurance companies Univé-VGZ-IZA-Trias, to develop an online strategy
- the electronics retailer Expert, to develop a new digital strategy and a new vision on retail
- the Dutch Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB), to set up their innovation programme, including a leading digital service desk and webcare services