Innovation: speed boats and oil tankers
A faltering economy leaves little room for innovation within a large, established company. More than ever, employees with good ideas who want to innovate are met with critical scrutiny and demands for a well fleshed-out investment proposal: before an innovation gets the green light, it needs to be proved that this innovation will be successful.…
Out of touch
I’ve had my first five years of being a management consultant. When I started doing this, I expected to end up in a different place in society — in board rooms — where I could work on grappling with the big issues that politics has been going on about all my life. But strangely enough,…
Innovation harbour
A brick, you can buy in a store. A special kind of brick has to be custom-made. But if you need a thousand bricks, you contact a wholesaler to buy them in bulk, and if you need a million bricks it might be a better idea to place an order directly with the factory. But…
A society on the move, both localising and globalising, where companies are looking for new economic models and where individuals aren’t sure whether what they learned in 2012 is still true in 2013. Politics coerced by the illusions of the day into serving the illusions of the day, media joining in happily. It all makes…
Column: From Enlightment to Aggravation
There are more of us here now than ever before. We are tearing down national borders and language barriers; information, knowledge and ideas are now stored forever. We live to be older, maybe even wiser, and thanks to social media, we can be part of it from a very young age on: nobody needs to…