Digital magazines: A new form of consumption?
Quality and distinctiveness are crucial for online magazines Being an internet expert, a consultant to the CEOs of major organisations and a successful entrepreneur, Danny Mekić has strong opinions on various strategic issues at play in the Dutch business world. In this article, he looks ahead at developments within online marketing and explains his views…
‘Teachers should demand more from their students’
No one can see the future, but young entrepreneur, multidisciplinary expert and frequent, welcome guest in the media Danny Mekić is sure about one thing: Dutch students need to be challenged more. ‘Universities just feel cheap to students.’ 27 year old Mekić is a renaissance man. Successful entrepreneur, consultant to non-profit organisations, media expert, the…
‘Page 10 of Google is interesting too’
Google possibly removing search results brings new opportunities too. „We need to reinvent the way we use our digital sources. Right now you enter something and you find what you’re looking for, but you don’t realise it’s not all equally relevant. People also need to get used to not immediately finding everything on the first…
“Entrepreneurship begins at not taking the world around you for granted”
How did you encounter entrepreneurship during your childhood? That’s a good and interesting question. After all, what is entrepreneurship? Most people would think of starting a company, but to me entrepreneurship is something much more fundamental still. Entrepreneurship begins at not taking the world around you for granted. Seeing opportunities for improvement and then trying…
Interview for the 23th Almanac of the Utrecht Law Society (JSVU)
Danny Mekić’s enterprising spirit has been apparent from an early age. At the age of twelve he started doing volunteer work for internet service provider Het Net, he’s worked for the (international) Eurovision Song Contest as a photographer and programmer and he started his first company at the age of fifteen. In 2009, the magazine…