Category: Publications

  • The Snowden saga shows a radical shift in democracy

    The debate about governmental surveillance and mass espionage that Edward Snowden’s revelations have started should also be about capitalism, argues Evgeny Morozov in the Financial Times. Because data is becoming the new money. But data isn’t replacing money at all and the debate should not be about capitalism, replies Danny Mekic. Money, as a medium…

  • Survival of the Tinderer

    Survival of the Tinderer

    Dear Sir, Chinese dating apps battle with tradition for hearts and minds (Financial Times, December 24th) – but the truth is: tradition already lost that battle, and not just in China. While Facebook still doesn’t facilitate meeting new people, Tinder — mostly popular in English-speaking countries — now has millions of users and has generated…

  • Technological battle for the future

    Technological battle for the future

    During the Christmas holidays, I always visit a lot of fellow entrepreneurs. Retailers try to take advantage of the holiday rush – their devotion and ambition is an inspiration – and others use the time to look ahead to the future, aside from the usual festivities. But they’re all concerned with the question in which…

  • Retailer self-pity won’t help your revenue

    Retailer self-pity won’t help your revenue

    It seems not a week goes by without a message appearing in one medium or another, lamenting how badly retailers suffer from the advent of the internet. It’s being repeated so often, you’d almost start believing it. And now the retail crisis has even reached a point where an appeal to the consumers’ morality is…

  • Battle for the future

    To a management consultant and entrepreneur, December is always a busy time. Aside from the usual festivities, December is also a time for looking ahead. Many of my clients are concerned with the question in what ways society will change during the next year. And what their organisation should be like next year. You might…

  • Mass surveillance of web traffic is not an ‘expansion of existing jurisdiction’

    Mass surveillance of web traffic is not an ‘expansion of existing jurisdiction’

    This Monday, the investigation report of the Commission Dessens was presented; the commission was tasked by the Dutch House of Representatives last year with evaluating the ‘Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten’ (Law on the Intelligence and Security Services, abbreviated ‘Wiv’). That commission is now suggesting an ‘expansion of the jurisdiction’ of the Dutch AIVD…