Will there be anything left to insure in a world where driverless cars no longer cause accidents or damage, a world where kitchens without gas would hardly ever cause fires, a world where lost and stolen phones can be retrieved more and more quickly?
And not only are the products of insurance subject to change; the internet has also made insurance completely transparent. How can you stand out in a super transparent world? If you’re not the cheapest insurance around and you also don’t like the idea of giving comparison websites half of your margin, what can you do?
Big Data and privacy have become core business topics within the insurance sector. Danny Mekić has many years of experience with insurance companies and the challenges they run into. His past clients include the Dutch Association of Insurers as well as insurance companies like AEGON, Achmea and De Goudse.
Insurance consultancy
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Lectures about innovation in insurance
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Workshops about innovation in insurance
Do you want to get to work with innovation in insurance? Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss what we can do for you!