Real Solutions for Real Problems
Danny Mekić (27) is a jurist, an internet expert and a businessman. He founded the strategic consultancy firm NewTeam and was declared ‘most successful young entrepreneur’ in 2009. He’s a man of many talents who is in love both with startups and with the establishment. Mekić tells us his contrarian views on the digital world. For example: our usage of…
Have banks already lost the battle?
This was my speech for the Dutch Parliament about the usage of customer data by banks: Esteemed chairman, commission and others present, Much has already been said today about the role of banks in our society, the legal framework within which they have to operate and their role regarding innovation. I would like to attempt…
Privacy panic – Should we rush to delete our Facebook and Whatsapp profiles?
Privacy panic – Should we rush to delete our Facebook and Whatsapp profiles? Or do we just carry on, and trust that no one will be meddling with our privacy and that our data will not be up for grabs? The news that as of last week, Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg owns not only Instagram…