The Dutch government will soon know more about you than your partner does
What were you doing last Tuesday one year ago at 8 PM? Who do you fancy? And does your current partner know? How many times have you told a lie during the past year? How many times have you had sex, and do you remember where, when and with whom? Those are just a handful…
The Netherlands to leave Britain and the US far behind as digital surveillance state
Constitutions were initially instated to keep the State at an appropriate distance. To never give the government more power or limit citizens’ fundamental rights more than strictly necessary, and only when it’s effective. Today, in the shadow of worldwide dangers and fears, the constitution of more and more western countries has degenerated into a soothing…
The Snowden saga shows a radical shift in democracy
The debate about governmental surveillance and mass espionage that Edward Snowden’s revelations have started should also be about capitalism, argues Evgeny Morozov in the Financial Times. Because data is becoming the new money. But data isn’t replacing money at all and the debate should not be about capitalism, replies Danny Mekic. Money, as a medium…
Cry freedom (Freedom and Security)
Letter to the editor of The Times: Dear Sir, The article ‘Freedom and Security’ (Leading articles, The Times 12-10-2013) suggests that Edward Snowden doesn’t understand the balance between freedom and security. What balance? Snowden has proved that our digital private lives are no longer private. The NSA and the GCHQ have virtually bugged everyone with…
‘Appetite for Ambition’, speech at the Opening of the Academic Year 2013-2014 at Eindhoven University of Technology
Ladies – fortunately once again I see more of you than the previous year – and gentlemen, students and staff, I want to thank you very much for your invitation. I received your invitation as many as six months ago, which goes to show the high ambitions and careful preparation for this very special day,…
Big Data and the Lone Wolf
It has become more valuable than ever to gather data yourself as an organisation. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, search engines and other easy-to-search databases on the internet have been making more and more information publicly available: your competitors and the guy next door can see it too. So in order to have…