‘I want to discover the world. I’ll learn to let go of my fear of sleeping on the streets.’
They’re the three young musketeers. Their eloquent and often contrarian views have made them into national celebrities. Sywert van Lienden (21), who wants to demolish the Dutch political establishment. Gadget guru Alexander Klöpping (25), who also makes many a lady’s heart overclock. And possibly the most versatile of the three, Danny Mekić (25). Internet entrepreneur,…
This censorship will be the end of a free internet
In the USA, laws are in preparation that would mean the end of a free internet. The court of The Hague passed a verdict to the same effect. The culprits go unpunished and innocent internet users are the ones who suffer, Danny Mekic’ concludes. What do Facebook, Google, Twitter, eBay and Wikipedia have in common?…
No downloading, no Spotify, no innovation
Music revenue is on the rise exactly because of the internet Record labels are abandoning legal music downloading service Spotify. The Dutch government wants to make it a punishable offence to download from anywhere else. This works counter-productively. The previous weekend, 234 record labels announced they would no longer be offering their artists’ music on…