Month: December 2013

  • “You’re allowed to have something to hide”

    “You’re allowed to have something to hide”

    Nothing is a coincidence. His father moved to the Netherlands before the third Balkan war, after meeting a woman from Amsterdam on a holiday. “Grandpa stayed behind, along with the rest of my relatives. My father is a radio communications enthusiast. He has a license to communicate using powerful radios. We lived in a tall…

  • Battle for the future

    To a management consultant and entrepreneur, December is always a busy time. Aside from the usual festivities, December is also a time for looking ahead. Many of my clients are concerned with the question in what ways society will change during the next year. And what their organisation should be like next year. You might…

  • Mass surveillance of web traffic is not an ‘expansion of existing jurisdiction’

    Mass surveillance of web traffic is not an ‘expansion of existing jurisdiction’

    This Monday, the investigation report of the Commission Dessens was presented; the commission was tasked by the Dutch House of Representatives last year with evaluating the ‘Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten’ (Law on the Intelligence and Security Services, abbreviated ‘Wiv’). That commission is now suggesting an ‘expansion of the jurisdiction’ of the Dutch AIVD…